Saturday, September 22, 2007

Riddler, riddler

Riddler, Riddler ask me why
The birds fly free on a mackerel sky
Ask me whither goes the winds
Whence the endless tick-tick stream begins

Make me guess if the Earth is flat or round
Set a quessing if fantasies are unbound
If tales aren't just for children to see
That it's peace is sleep walks with me

As you wish
For kingdom come
The one to know all the answers
You think you dwell in wisdom's sea
Still, sweet ignorance is the key
To a poet's paradise
Challenge the Riddler and you will see

Riddler, Riddler ask me why
All mothers beneath the Earth and sky
Hold their children's hands for a while
Their hearts forever... yours and mine

Make me wonder what's the meaning of life
What's the use to be born and then die
Make me guess who's the one
Behind the mask of Father and Son

For nature hates virginity
I wish to be touched
Not by the hands of where's and why's
But by the Ocean's minds

For the past few weeks I've been letting depression slip in and out too constantly in my mind.I don't know why I question my mortality so much.But when we come right down to it,what is the meaning of our existance here?

It is such a desecration of souls to see how humans develope from being just flesh and bone to being something so worthy ,more worthy that their outward appearance.And then to remember that after such a short time we will all be cast away like so many paper dolls,worthless and with no effect to the world.

I wish I were more religious and have something to believe in after death.But for an atheist there is no solution.

My only hope to make this paper doll worth something more than just a moment in time is to achieve fame,how I wish it were so easy.

At least I feel better now.Sunset is too lonely.

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