first day of third term first year
...and now I am officially an animator-in-training*superman pose**coughcoughcough*
I managed to check my results for last term.I don't know my gpa yet,but I know the grades for each subject:
Com skills:B+
Calligraphy and letterforms: A(surprisingly my highest score.I thought it would be the lowest.Letterforms wasn't a very happy subject for me)
History of AnD:B+
overall better than last term I think,but I cannot remember last 2 term's results anymore.hahah.
Also,I finally managed to catch up with everyone in person.Seems that LiTing is continuing another term with us before she goes to Aussieland.She's taking ID now.And I though she was making cruel jokes when she said she needed to do figures holiday homework.Oh,well.good luck then.I heard ID's timetable is very relaxed too.
In other news,apparently Anisa and YiLyn like YeeLean's boobs very much.*ahak*That's the last time I'm permitting you guys to go on holidays together without adult supervision.
And for lunch,guess where we went?
Sushi Zanmai.Surprise surprise!
I went there with loyal customers Anisa, Dom, Joe, Tali, JJ, Yunzi, and YiLyn.
A TatsunHoi lookalike sat at the next table too.
Thus we have a very happy TOA family that requires frequent customers' discount cards.
But the taiyaki was nice lah.It's growing on me.
And my final piece of news for today:
Bandar Sunway,10hb Sept-Seekor lipas telah terbunuh dalam kemalangan tragedis yang berlaku di Kolej The One Academy pada pukul 12:00 tengah hari.
Mengikut kata beberapa orang saksi,para pelajar di bawah ajaran Encik Gary telah tiba tiba membuat heboh di luar bengkel drama pada pagi itu.Pada mulanya para saksi telah menganggap bahawa mereka sekadar menyembahkan sebuah drama baru,tetapi anggapan mereka terhapus dengan dahsyat apabila tiba tiba Encik Gary dilihat meluru keluar dari bengkel drama dengan membawa sebuah tong sampah kelabu besar.
Seorang saksi yang tidak ingin memdedahkan namanya berkata bahawa apa yang dilihat seterusnya begitu dahsyat sehingga beberapa orang pelajar terjerit kuat macam dalam filem seram.
Encik Gary telah berkali kali menghentam mangsa kejadian dengan menggunakan tong sampah kelabu sehingga akhirnya mangsa mati akibat kena penyek.
Mengikut kata seorang saksi,Cik Tang Yeen Yee,"Aiyah,man...should have brought my camera lah."
Seorang lagi saksi,Encik Dominic Chin pula berkata,"Wait Wait!" sambil berlari lari ke tempat pembunuhan dengan membawa telefon bimbit kamera.Malangnya gambar bukti tidak sempat dirakam.
Alat pembunuhan yang berupa tong sampah kelabu telah dijumpai di tempat kejadian. Guru Besar kolej The One Academy ,Tatsun Hoi; tidak memberi pendapatnya kerana para pemberita tak pergi jumpa beliau pun.
Penyiasatan akan diteruskan.
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