Saturday, May 3, 2008

Siao Chen's very fatt tag.

A Chinese must have come up with this tag.Why 8??


List eight (8) random facts about yourself. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

#1. I don't like ice cream float in my pepsi
#2. I like to create to do lists eventhough I cannot follow them 100%
#3. I like dogs that look stupid.St Bernards most of all.They look like bears but less fierce and have a drooling problem
#4. I don't like J Co donuts all that much.Accept maybe the tiramisu one lah.That's the best one so far anyways.
#5. I like accessories, earrings,hats,bags,yeah,you know the drill...
#6. The best smell in the world is my own bed.It smells like safety and sleep.Sleep is precious,you will find out just how precious during end of term rushing for assignments/projects/tests.
#7. I used to collect various things when i was young,especially saga seeds and goose feathers in my primary school.
#8. i think Eli is a nice name.I remember I first heard that name because one of the Fear Factor contestants had that name.It's a guy's name,tho a lot of people think it's a girl's name and pronounced the same as Ellie.Actually it's pronounced as Ee-lye.


8 things I am passionate about:
#1. Music(instrumental,operatic,goth rock,or mixture of any of those 3)
#2. Art(this should have some subcategories...CG,art noveau,realistic looking manga,fantasy)
#3. Books(
#4. Fashion
#5. Making my grades. T-T sorry...I'm that geeky.
#6. Stuffed animals and dolls
#7. Animals
#8. Randoms pieces of knowledge that can make me more cultured *cough* like mythology,opera and history.OK,not really,but that's something quite recent.

8 things I say too often:
#1. lol
#2. u know ah....
#3. that's like,totally
#5. super seme
#6. looks/sounds so wrong
#7. OMGosh
#8. ....*gasp*....

8 books I’ve read recently:

I wonder why Siao Chen reads dictionaries...
#1.Maskerade-Terry Pratchett
#2. Who's who in Mythology
#3. Enchanting animal stories
#4 HP#5
#5 The last continent-Terry Pratchett
#6. some book about making fruit juices,read at the library just now
#7. National Geographic's Fashion photo book(more of saw than read)
#8. ICLS's beginner japanese textbook.(hahah...3 more textbooks to go)

8 songs I could listen to over and over again FOR THE MOMENT:

#1. Gothica/Fleurs du mal-Sarah Brightman
#2. Canto Della Terra-Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli
#3. I will be with you- Sarah Brightman and Paul Stanley
#4. Sarai Qui-Sarah Brightman and Allessandro Safina
#5. Nostradamus- Maksim
#6. Hana's Eyes- Maksim
#7. I'll fly away- Bond
#8. Night Flight- Vanessa Mae

8 things I learned in the past year:
#1. Animating smoothly is .NOT. easy
#2. Learning a language requires frequent practise. Seriously.That's why my Japanese is damn lame now.My BM is getting lame-fied as well.And college is lame-fying my England.
#3.How to do CG.A bit lah.
#4. Learned how to design metalic stuff and characters properly.(meaning,experimenting more leads to better design)
#5. Revived my manga drawing capabilities a bit.At least I've stopped drawing horrible swamp mosters.
#6. Learned how to drive.Also learned that all driving instructors are from hell.
#7. Learned to be paranoid about food poisoning (meaning those chemicals leaching out of plastic and stuff)
#8. Learned a lot of bad words and wrong stuff from college mates.Thank you,you guys are the best.

Would you go out with you? State the reasons why you would, and why you wouldn't, and then come to a conclusion at the end.

reasons for [i would]
#1 Same with Siao Chen,I am supremely loyal.
#2 Also same with Siao Chen.I'm honest.As in I dunno how to lie. Really. And that is not a lie.
#3 I think I would be quite caring towards my lover lah...but I dunno also,since I've always been single.
#4 I can be quite romantic....Gua.
#5 I'm mature...Gua.
#6 If I date myself means we have the same interests right? very good,then can sama-sama ber-bitching 24/7.
#7 I like company
#8 whatever happens happens. hahahah...that shows that I'm out of ideas oredi.

reasons for [i wouldn't]
#1 I'm sorry,I don't have any money to pamper you with.
#2 I also might not have much time when college starts unless you have lunch with me or do my assignments.
#3 I dunno how to woo people one.
#4 Eh...wait...does that mean i go out with myself as in my female self? Cos I prefer nuts to melons.It's practical science you know.
#5 I sometimes can be emo
#6 Sometimes shy to express my feelings.
#7 I'm not that good looking T-T
#8 I have bad habits that I will not be typing here.

Conclusion? :either way it would be quite sad if I date myself...

Who I tag :
#1 Yilyn
#2 Anisa
#3 Simone
#4 Dom
#5 Joyce
#6 you
#7 you
#8 you

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