Friday, May 9, 2008

Ah nostalgia

"Return to Oz".

I was compiling a list of animations when I remembered this live action film from my childhood.I didn't realise that it was by Disney also.I think it's quite unknown,but it's interesting to see all that old school special effects and the strange charm.Actually,since the movie was made in 1985,the special effects were quite advanced for it's time.Link out to see the rest of the film,it gets better later.Somehow it has the same kind of feeling as Tim Burton plus Alice in Wonderland and Bridge to Terabithia.I think the best part is the designs of Princess Mombi and her palace,and the Wheelers,which was taken from a book called Ozma of Oz.I used to be a bit scared of this movie when I was a kid,but now i think it's very unique.It's a pity that the 'slightly scary' elements made this show a PG rated show and put off more people from watching it,since the design is genius in my opinion.We need more of this kind of stuff nowadays,not the 'get rich easily' scheme that many producers are doing.

Meanwhile,i'm compiling a list of animations by Disney, Pixar, Don Bluth,Tim Burton and Hayao Miyazaki.Any more to add?

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