Sunday, November 21, 2010

Well, Thanksgiving holiday is coming up, so I won't be having 2 of my most heavy classes next week. It'll be a good change, need to catch up on some stuff, and maybe even get to walk around the city a bit. I seem to have no life these past few days. It's not a bad thing, I enjoy doing uni work too, but I'd like to have a few extra hours in a day or be those kind of people who are good with 6 hours of sleep or less. Also, winter weather is getting more annoying, there's less sunlight, and more rain.

Speaking of which, I went for a 12 hour 'paintathon' at my uni yesterday.(Actually I sketched, not painted) It was fun, cosy because there were so few people in each drawing classroom. The music was on, the heater was on (it was freezing outside, I think there was a proper downpour that day)and the room was a bit dark for lighting purposes. Made a few more aquaintances, including one Malaysian that turned out to be from the same college and art class as me. Had some free pizza from the uni too.I have to touch up the drawings a bit, but maybe I can post them here later.

Hmm...can you imagine being the model and holding a pose for 12 hours? With breaks inbetween, but still...I think I would pose reading a book, or my brain would atrophy. I could think of a storyline to rival Harry Potter in those 12 hours.Someone should have asked the model to hold an angry expression, and watch the anger turn to constipation over the course of the day. That would be fun.

Jakun time. Here are a few things I tried recently. Egg nog, and dried mission figs. I don't think they have egg nog in Malaysia. Maybe in Cold Storage or Jusco, but I never looked. It's kind of a very sweet and thick version of milk. Appropriate for the sweet tooth that I've been having these past few days too. I suddenly get cravings for chocolate, and I finished up a packet of chocolate chips that was meant for baking. Not entirely sure you're supposed to eat baking chocolate, but it tasted good :D And also, I bought that box of figs. I was looking for prunes, but when I saw the figs, I had to get them, just because I haven't tried them before. Kind of looked and tasted a bit like prunes. Even might have done that funny thing prunes do to one's digestive system(I think you can guess what), or it could be psychological.Don't be deceived by the $1 sign. It was a very small box

And here's a nice photo of some chocolate chip cookies I baked. I ate the whole batch in 1 seating. Yum. It was a small batch, but still, I think I should repent and eat oats everyday now.

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