Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fuh...at last my schedule for next Spring is fixed. I feel Zen now. Next time I will register for classes as soon as I can so I can easily get a space.

The trouble was that I sort of tried to personalise my schedule, not according to the standard one they give to all the 3d modelers, the reason being because I could waive one of the subjects (Chiaroscuro-a fancy way of saying Drawing 1; the brinjal and banana drawing class)and another one of the subjects I am doing in Winter instead. So there I am with only 2 subjects to take, and I need one more because 3's the minimum number of subjects that International students can take. So I go thru the course schedule and find one that sounds useful to me, I make an appointment with the school of animation director and get approval to take that class. Then I make another appointment with the graduate advisor to sign up for that class, only to find out that it's full.

Good thing that a new class has been formed, so I don't have to go thru the whole process(aka more appointments) again to select another subject.

But I dunno if I like the schedule much, I have 2 3 hour classes on Mondays and a 6 hour class on Wednesday. I guess it saves time commuting, but I'll have to make sure I spend the back 1/2 of the week doing my homework, I won't like to rush 2 assignments overnight.

In other news, I downgraded my handphone plan because I have no life in that way. I think I use my handphone more as an alarm clock and watch that as a communication gadget. But I really miss the prices I used to pay in Malaysia. I think I prefer getting all those annoying advertisements than paying some insane price for my bills. My 1 month bill here is more than what I pay for 1/2 a year in Malaysia(after convertion)

Also, my earbuds are acting a bit strange. I wonder if I should get new ones...there's a sale going on where I can get some for 50% off.The right side of the earbud doesn't seem to be working, so it's like listening to music half deaf, so turn up the volume all you like, but it still won't sound good.

I found out something too. My fingers don't seem to be able to respond well in cold weather. If it's been raining (it's been like that often, the temperature is usually around 10 degrees celcius now)I have a hard time handling coins and keys. It's like they become stiff and numb, like they are freezing up. I wonder how musicians handle it. Say there's a Christmas musical going on in the park or something.

Now I appreciate spots of sun, and try to sit in it as much as possible, like a cat. I think the scarves/hats/gloves/boots will come in useful.

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