Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sales tactics

Today was a very gay day,so I had this very gay discussion with Dom about sales tactics for Anisa who will be selling these very gay badges at Comic Fiesta on this coming Saturday and Sunday:

đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (6:55:59 PM)
guess who'll buy it

tell me abt the sales ya

Criccy- says: (6:56:04 PM)

đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (6:56:15 PM)
so u going or not

Criccy- says: (6:56:17 PM)
the girls lah,i guess

unless some unfortunate guy likes the design n dunno the meaning

in which case we will not bother him with the details


đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (6:56:48 PM)

Criccy- says: (6:57:29 PM)
we will just say,"Oh,just buy the seme one,it means macho"

whoa...we should do that lah,good idea,then a lot of guys will buy


đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (6:59:06 PM)
sad person XD

well if it profits then no harm rite

it's all about the money

Criccy- says: (6:59:32 PM)

đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (6:59:43 PM)
then the other guy will tell his friends

i was told by these two young girls that seme means macho

*rushes to sapu stock*

Criccy- says: (7:00:10 PM)
yeah,then can become like a hot catchphrase


wow...such a good idea,i must tell anisa

no,wait,not fair lah liddet

then uke must hv an equally enticing meaning also


đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (7:02:00 PM)
the fashionable ones

intelectual of smtg

or something*

Criccy- says: (7:02:48 PM)

oh,look,i found the translations from my english-jap dictionary

seme is to attack

see,macho right?

đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (7:04:16 PM)

uke is to

absorb ka

Criccy- says: (7:04:35 PM)
uke means receive...

i think the dicyionary says also means trained

so,there you go


wow! chunted!!!

đ ǒ m ĭ ň ĭ ĉ is bored says: (7:05:12 PM)

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