Friday, October 15, 2010

OK, I have some photos from the Legion of Honor :) I used up my camera battery taking all this stuff. Here are my favourite pics.
The entrance to the museum.
The museum houses a lot of sculptures by Rodin. This one's the Thinker. That's my lecturer in the background, the guy with the camera. The other 2 are my classmates.
Rodin's The Kiss. Apparently this, and a lot of his other sculptures were considered offensive in his time because they portrayed everyday people, not mythical characters.

Dynamic poses. Give me moar.
Another one by Rodin. I like the floating postures.

This was my favourite, Monteverde's Columbus as a boy.
Awesome folds.
And my favourite painting (I'm a sucker for technical details) Makovsky's The Russian bride's attire.

English-made Chinaware. Wasn't enjoying most of the English porcelain, there's something about the colourful kitsch that annoys me, but this one's pretty. I prefer made in China chinaware more, which is more delicate and understated. And also Rene Lalique glassware.

Oh yeah, random thought, but Louis Comfort Tiffany is an awesome name. And yes, he is related to the Tiffany and co. jewellers. Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse Lautrec Monfa is even awesomer(I found this out from watching Moulin Rouge DX)
This piece reminds me of Japanese Washi

I like how the fowl is superimposed on the rabbit.Now it's got 4 legs, 2 wings, a long tail and ears. And I think it was intentional.
The top part of a grandfather clock in the Rococco furniture hall. I'm not sure if Rococco annoys me or not...but Baroque is probably better. To me.

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