Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Being experimental with my grocery shopping recently. There's a lot of foodstuff that cannot be found in Malaysia, and not just ingredients for Mexican food. There's also this hippy stuff:
pseudo-milk, in rice and almond flavours :D. Apparently, it's targeted at vegans and lactose intolerant people. Maybe it's something that needs getting used to, but I prefer normal milk. Mostly it tastes like water with flour dissolved in it. The almond one is a bit better. It tastes like flour water with an almond aftertaste...On the other hand, you'd probably loose weight if you keep substituting ricemilk for normal milk with your cereal every day.

Nah, I don't get the whole vegan thing. If they're so concerned about animal welfare, just get organic eggs and milk, and life will be that little bit better. I don't get the no-garlic religious thing either. I heard that it's because garlic is antibacterial, so no killing of microbes is allowed. But then again, so is your saliva.
Also, just bought a small amount of this to try since it was on offer. I think it's called sweet brown rice, or something to that effect.There's also many other kinds of brown and wild rice sold at the place I buy my food from, which looks really fascinating, especially the more colourful varieties. Unfortunately, I think I might have boiled today's rice with too much water, and it only achieved the consistency of soggy glutinous rice.I'll try again next time.

And I roasted a turkey for dinner too! (ok, fine, I roasted sections of turkey for dinner)But it turned out pretty satisfying for something so easy. Add to that some roasted vegetables and pumpkin, and potato salad left in my fridge since last century.I put the pumpkin seeds in the pan as well just to see what would happen.Turns out you can get the same effect as those pumpkin seeds sold as tidbits, although it probably will help if the pan is not so juicy and oily.
Passed by the building that burnt down a few days ago, since I'm such a KPC. Must have been pretty scary being the neighbours and standing outside, crossing your fingers and hoping the fire won't spread(I heard from the tour guide during orientation tour, that buildings are required to be built with a 1 inch gap between them so that if a building catches fire, water can be squirted into the crack and prevent the next building from catching fire). Apparently the floors have caved in, so the whole building is inaccessible now, and they'll be tearing it down. All because someone was careless about their cigarrette. They must be having plenty of sleepless nights now.
In other news, my apartment common areas have been decorated for Halloween by the Resident Assistant and co. Adds a bit to the atmosphere. Can I have some candy too? According to one of my lecturers, there's going to be a marathon coming up in SF, where everyone runs in costumes. Don't know the details though, but that sounds pretty fun.

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