Monday, September 1, 2008

Jeez...August flew by so fast.Just goes to show time flies faster when you're having fun.Actually I'm not really looking forward to the new term tralalalalala...


Besides that, yum cha gang want to go to Langkawi end of the year. I dunno whether I should follow them or not because
1)i'm going to vietnam already during that holiday
2)so it feels like a waste of money to tour so much
3)dunno whether it can work with my schedule,have to fit it in with college break, vietnam trip and christmas holidays(Because things get more expensive during that time.)

what do you think? have u guys been to Langkawi before? i havent...

actually wanted to go to Kapalai islands which is at the border of  Sabah and Indon, near Sipadan islands. But it's too expensive and dunno whether safe or not,sekali someone come and bomb the place up.But it looks so nice.Listerine blue water and white sand, corals, fishes, chalets built right above the sea...


Sohs,what have I been doing during the holidays?

-Typing up my story for scriptorium(btw i think i'll be updating every 2 weeks now cos i dun hv a long enough story to last the term and i type slowly)
-Studying japanese a bit...finished beginner level liao.Can't wait to get to advanced level and study kanji,that's where I'm weakest...
-doing illustrations.wip stage still.
-practising violin.Hear that,YenYen?

yeah,that's typically my daily routine.Exercising is supposed to figure somewhere in there.

also,I found out the joys of downloading e books yesterday. This is a good site.

ok, ttfn

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