Saturday, June 7, 2008

You know how they have those small warnings stickers stuck to treadmills that say "Stop exercise if you feel dizzy or faint"? should listen to that advice.Just now I was only on the treadmill for 10 minutes when I realised that I forgot to switch off my alark clock.So I went back to my unit,and when I was exiting the elevator,i just suddenly blacked out and fell.Somemore i somehow managed to cut my chin.I dunno how also because the floor was just flat.Maybe I landed on my water bottle handle lah...

But it looked pretty dramatic.Here are some wonderful photos I took for keepsakes.T-T...

My bloodstained exercise towel.
I just hope that there won't be too much scarring until I become like Lennard liddet.DX.OK lah,quite rude to mention him but his scar was quite bad right...

this post was supposed to be about my new haircut.I think you can see how it looks like from the photo anyhow.Maybe I will take another photo from a more tasteful angle when I'm better.

Hope there's nothing wrong with me.Blacking out after just 10 minutes at the treadmill is not that normal I most dramatic injuries all come from exercise related accidents,like the time I broke my I have a consistent record of sorts.

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