Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An ode to garlic

Recently, my parents have influenced me to try eating raw cloves of garlic since it is good for health. So I am writing this entry as a tribute to me loosing appetite for today's dinner with mild symptoms of heartburn and bad breath.

First of all, the technique of eating garlic. If you are eating garlic as a natural health supplement, I advise to start with the tiniest clove that you can find. Peel off the skin and eat it whole. Remember to chew so the juices will emerge.(BTW i found out the important chemical in garlic that is beneficial for your health is incidentally a kind of sulphur) And yes, it will sting the walls of your mouth out of it's will to live. Although my parents advise to eat the garlic together with a banana, and that seems to help. My mom even thinks it smells kind of like durian when eaten like that, so you know what to do if you have a craving for durian but it's not in season /you are overseas. And the stinging only lasts for a short while. Additionally, I read that eating garlic with some olive oil or lemon will prevent garlic breath, although I'm not keen to try that.

Benefits of garlic (a compiled list from the net, although some of these are not proven):
- improves blood pressure and cholesterol
- prevents acne
- prevents cancer
- prevents weight gain
- useful for bug bites and mosquito repelling
- cures asthma, infections, blocked sinuses, toothache, earache, cough and herpes
- tastes good (although if you are eating it as it is then it depends how masochistic you are)
- wards off vampires and other undesirable people

But then again, don't eat too much at one go, one or two cloves per day is about as much as you should take. Any more and you'll get heartburn or even a headache.

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