Sunday, January 30, 2011

I shifted back to my dorm yesterday. Sigh...I'm going to miss Ingleside. I came back to the city and straight away was greeted by noise pollution from the traffic and shouting drunkards. Plus homeless people at every traffic light when you are waiting to cross the street. And my apartment is like a miniature version of the Ingleside house. Hopefully I can find somewhere there to stay in Summer onwards when my contract with the dorm expires. What I like particularly about Ingleside is that you can walk to the beach, or park (there are many) and can see the sunrise and sunset.
Sunrise. Sometimes I purposely wake up early to catch it.
Lake Merced. Good for jogging around.
And after passing Lake Merced, I can go to Fort Funston. It's this area with natural scrub and the seashore next to it. Lots of people bring their dogs to play there. I've seen some crazy people surfing there as well although it's considered dangerous because of the strong currents and cold water.

There is a mixture of white and black sand on the beach. I was wondering what that was, but after putting my camera case on the ground, I think I found out. The black sand is probably some kind of metallic material.

Here are some pictures of new recipes I've tried.
Mushroom soup. Made from scratch. I used milk instead of heavy cream. Not too happy after I found mysterious fatty clumps in the soup, I suspect it's got something to do with the mushroom water (which had some sort of acid preservative) interacting badly with some other ingredient...probably either the butter or the milk. But other than that I think the taste was not bad considering I've never tried making mushroom soup before and I substituted some ingredients. Frying mushrooms make them smell and taste really good :D
Mushroom and potato curry. I bought too much mushrooms and was thinking of as many recipes as I could to finish them up. I just remembered I'm not too big a fan of coconut milk, eventhough I miss Malaysian food. Coconut milk only tastes good in small amounts and in nasi lemak.

Cinnamon (mini) pancakes topped with yogurt and mixed fruits. I dunno if I'm weird, but I like making my pancakes small.

~~~~~~~ tomorrow classes begin. 2 computer classes(organic modeling, advance texturing and lighting) on Monday and 1 sculpting class(ecorche) on Wednesday. I feel kind of intimidated by this term's schedule. Hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew by substituting an easy traditional art subject for an advanced computer subject. I'm just hoping it'll be ok since the animation director allowed me to take the subject in the first place. And I was further intimidated just now when I found out I mistook the time for one of my Monday classes (I think I've got it right now, so I don't have to wake up early tomorrow) and that one of the lecturers just got swapped.

Gah...make some friends. Keep a positive mindset. Everything will be ok. Om.........*yoga pose*

Oh yeah...besides that, I finally managed to keep up to date with what campus life and recreation is organising this term. 2 things I'm excited about. #1, they are forming a group to go see Avenue Q at the Orpheum, and tickets are only $20 eventhough it's for opening night and they are orchestra seats. So I think I have to rush to buy it tomorrow morning. I think a lot of people will be interested in that.

#2, they are also organising a 3 day trip to Yosemite park, which is $80(accomodation, entry fee, transport and 4 meals). Still have to think about that, but it sounds fun, and this time I'm actually free on those 3 days, so it's still plausible that I can join them.

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