Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yes, people, it's time again for another pseudo-holiday.

Anyways, I shall try not to be sarcastic, and instead share some interesting stuff I found online. I'm totally doing the arts for arts sake enjoyment right now.

First up, Cirque Du Soleil fandom once again. How can you resist their costumes and lighting... My second sis and her husband went for one of their shows for her birthday T-T. So happens that the troupe was in Melbourne at that time. Sohs for all of us who are not so lucky, we have to content ourselves with the wonderful piece of technology called YouTube. Also, I just found out that the Cirque recorded some CDs of their shows, although I dunno if you can find them in Malaysia. Anyways, here are some of my favourite acts (so far) from their Alegria show.

Power track act. Feels like power bars shooting up your eyes to watch them perform...

The Flying Man act- I think has the best music and a good measure of unpredictability.

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