Saturday, February 23, 2008

100 facts Tag

1) Name:Tang Yeen Yee

2)Male/Female:Female(does Taiwanese 1 2 3 pose)

3) Were you named after anyone? nope

4) Does your name mean anything? swallow

5) Nick Name(s): Joey,Yeen

6) What do you think you look like name wise: some very polite girl.My name has too many high pitch sounds...

7) Date Of Birth:11th Oct

8) Place of Birth and Current Location:Selangor,Selangor

9) Nationality:Malaysian

10) Astrology Sign:Libra

11) Chinese Astrology Sign:Snake

12) Religion:Taoist by birth

13) What’s your favorite smell? my bed.Aaaahhhhh............

14) Political Position? sounds wrong...

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Milo ais

16) Hair + Eye colour: Very dark brown.

17) Do you look like anyone famous? Tang Yeen Yee.*ahak*

18) What do you look like?Tang Yeen Yee

19) Any unusual talents? i've become immune to my overheated laptop.Anyone else would burn their hands.

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Righty.But it would be fun to be a lefty or an ambi.

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? Straight.

22) What do you do for a living? Do assignments.If not either my lecturers or parents will kill me.

23) What do you do for fun?,wait,i read a bit and then i sleep in an aircond room.Wahhh....paradise...

24) What are your favorite art materials to work with? pencil n watercolour

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with? money.RM100 bills.

26) Have you met your grandparents? i don't think so.

27) Boyfriend /Girlfriend:*cricket sound in the background*

28) Crush:ed ice in my milo

29) What celebrity would you date if you could? Bill Gates. lol.nooooo!!!! he's old and geeky...

30) Current worries?animation assignment!!!!!

31) Favorite online Guy/Girl:huh?? sounds so geeky...

32) Favorite place to be? either reading in bed with the aircond on or yum charing with friends or making gay jokes with classmates in class after finishing projects and right before term break.

33) Least favorite place to be?2d lab.*stabs aircond*

34) Do you burn or tan? if you burn,you tan.

35) Ever break a bone? left arm.

36) What is your favorite cereal? Those bland tasting oat things that diabetic people eat and  most people don't like

37) Person you cry with: so emo.

38) Any sisters: 2 elder ones

39) Any brothers: none

40) Any pets: none

41) An Illness: none

42) A Pager:none

43) A Personal phone line: none.

44) A Cell phone: yeah,but quite old.and the buttons are shredded by my super seme fingernails.

45) A visible birthmark:yeah,on my right hand

46) A Pool or hot tub: hot tub.thank you.And add in a tropical island as well.

47) A Car:a Nissan Murano or VW beetle thank you.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: quite serious most of the time,unless making stupid lame gay jokes or stressing in class.

49) Driving: ahahahahaha...secret...

50) Your clothing style:monochrome 

51) Room: full of dust bunnies and art materials lying all over the place.

52) What’s missing: is there something missing? oh damn...

53) School: boot camp.

54) Bed: very comfortable

55) Relationship with your parent(s):okok

Do You

56) Believe in yourself: most of the time.

57) Do you believe in love at first sight? dunno

58) Consider yourself a good listener: okok

59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?i want to be rich and famous so sharing is not part of the plan ahahahahahahahahaaaaaa..............

60) Get Along with your parents: okok

61) Save your e-mail conversations:no

62) Pray: no

63) Believe in reincarnation:yes,but not in the standard way that people think of it.

64) Brush your teeth twice a day?yes

65) Like to talk on the phone: okok.prefer msn tho.

66) Like to eat? YES.

67) Like to exercise?okok,but not much time for that nowadays.

68) Like to watch sports? gymnastics

69) Sing in the car?no

70) What is a dream that you have all the time? flying

71) Dream in color? yes

72) Do you have nightmares? sometimes,but not often

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: yes,i need my stuffed animals to fall asleep.

What Is

74) Right next to you: an e-dictionary,typo notes,tablet,random stationary

75) On your favorite coffee cup? errr...i prefer that NOTHING be on by favourite coffee cup thank you.Eh...tea cup.I don't drink coffee.

76) On your mouse pad: my mouse??

77) Your favorite flavor of gum? mint

78) Favorite deodorant? i don't use deodorant.

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Italy or Japan.

80) Your dream husband/wife: Caring,understanding,dependable.Good looks and money won't hurt either.

81) Hiding in your closet? a family of dust bunnies,old assignments and period pads.

82) Under your bed: a bigger family of dust bunnies.

83) The name of one of your closest/best friends? one only ar??No! I'll name 2! Yilyn in college and Sooky in Primary school/yum char gang.

84) Your bad time of the day: in the morning,I can't work in the morning.

85) Your worst fear(s): varies from time to time.

86) What's the weather like:friggin hot.

87) Your favorite time of year? any time that is holiday time.

88) Your favorite holiday? hah? any holiday will do.

89) A material weakness? money??...

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like:i think the food and drinks i like are quite normal.

91) At the top of your "to-do list"? finish typo after this and do moral and animation after that.

92) The hardest thing about growing up: Super lame highschool system

93) A pet peeve?pretentious people

94) Your scariest moment: spm

95) Your attitude about love? still waiting

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? i don't really try to get the attention of the opposite sex...

97) The worst feeling in the world: when you have a big pile of work to do and so little time and you realise that the phrase 'nothing is impossible' is fake.

98) The best feeling in the world:being with really good friends

99) Who sent this to you? anisa

100)Tag more people
Siao Chen

I think everyone else is covered by nisa...

Oh noes...I can't believe i wasted so much time on this...

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