Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Awhile back, I read this book- 1001 foods you must taste before you die

It was a fun read; each food has it's own half page column with a picture, background information and description of what it tastes like. The taste description doesn't help you much since it's so hard to describe tastes exactly (although if you've tried those food you'll probably think "oh yeah, that's right"). And also eating for real is nicer than just reading, but it's good to whet your appetite and curiosity first. It's compiled by an international panel of food journalists, so it's fun to leaf through especially if you want to try something new and are or will be in a foreign country. Unlike other books they don't just list freakshow food like fried bugs or organs you never even knew existed, but instead offer up a more mature selection like fruits unique to a country or notable artisan cheeses from different parts of the world. It also helps you identify food you've seen before but don't know what they are called, maybe because you can't read the foreign language sign.
And then there's all that nice to know trivia that you can spring on your friends when bored. Like this shellfish that is abundant around these parts- the geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck), the biggest and most long lived shellfish of them all, and so called 'penis of the sea'. Talking about suggestive looking edibles, there's also the coco de mer, which looks like a woman's ass.
Another interesting fact- cranberries are harvested by flooding the area they grow in. Pretty neat.
Yesterday, I also found this fun dessert- cake pops.Looks like a promising party food. Here's a recipe

All pics gleaned from Google

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