Thursday, July 15, 2010

When we were young, we were gullible enough to believe nonsense other people old us, was implied by the media, or somehow just popped out of nowhere in our heads.

So a few of the wierd stuff I sort of believed when I was young was:
- all cats are female and all dogs are male(which is wierd because I used to watch Tom and Jerry)
- husbands and wives age gaps are usually 1 year apart. I dunno why.
- my house probably has a secret room/compartment/doorway hidden somewhere, most probably under the staircase or behind the fridge. That came from reading too many Famous Five books. I just thought it ought to be true because life is more fun that way.

However, I did not believe that if you cut a worm in two, it will grow into 2 worms. I believed it would die, and the person who did it is really disgusting to go looking for worms in the first place.

Also; I still do this, if you have an important object, you should name it, because then it's like another human being. That's why if you named that chicken bound for dinner, you will be going hungry. I have two drawing boards called Albie and Tsuzuki. I had a third one which name I forgot, so that's why I gave it to my cousin. See?

I probably should name my iPod and computer then...alright, from now onwards, they will be called Alphonse and Apple.

Gah...I should sleep now.

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