Monday, July 19, 2010

Here's something I made quite a while ago: Sock Monkeys.(see,I did it)

Introducing the 3 siblings(from left): Roosskii, Saru-Biru and Tsar

Tsar is supposed to be based on the guy swinging about on your right, but I couldn't find peach socks, so I substituted with black. Also, while making Tsar, I decided she was more of a female monkey.
Roosskii(Rice monkey)-the red striped one- was the first one I made. He's stuffed with rice and cotton(because if I used only rice he would be too heavy, and socks stretch over time) So I can microwave him and hug to sleep if I feel cold.

Saru-Biru-the blue one- is the second one I made, stuffed with only cotton, but he feels the nicest. Roosskii is too heavily to stand on his own and Tsar is lumpy.

Tsar-the white monkey- was the last one, which I stuffed with shredded old clothes. Maybe there's a better technique than what I used, which explains the lumpiness. But nevermind, that makes Tsar the greenest of all 3 monkeys.

In the beginning I wanted to just make one for fun, but making monkeys is addictive, once you start buying different socks and mixing and matching them together and designing new ones, giving different personalities and names to them, it's the same kind of fun people get out of collecting cards or toys.
I gave Saru-Biru to Sook though. Hope he has a good new home.Here's the packaging I made to match.

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