Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I got a new violin! Now I can practice quietly at home. It's a Cecilio electric violin, not the top company, but good enough for practicing. Apparently the original price was $500, but I got it online for $130 (it's new).

Comes with the case, rosin (a little higher quality than what came with my acoustic), headphones(kind of like the ones they have on airplanes, you're probably expected to buy your own) and a beginner's manual. As a side note, here in SF one good thing is that you can borrow music scores from the library, you know buying them yourself is bloodsuckingly expensive.
It's a lot quieter than an acoustic violin, but you can still hear it. I think it's ok so long as the door is closed. You probably won't hear it at all from outside. It is a little more zingy than an acoustic. If you use the headphones and turn the dial to the warmest tone, it sounds a little better, but for practicing I like to leave the headphones off so I can hear the worst of it and try to play better.
Here's how it looks like from behind. I was pretty pleased of myself for being able to assemble the bridge and tune the strings myself, since Yen did that for me the last time (when you buy a new violin, the bridge is collapsed to prevent anything breaking in transit).

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