Monday, September 12, 2011

I had something of a mooncake celebration over here with Mandy and Chad. I don't usually celebrate it even in Malaysia, just buy some mooncakes and eat, but I think it's a good opportunity to have a party anyway. They've started selling mooncakes in Chintown, but still quite expensive although I don't think they are as fancy as the ones in Malaysia. Even saw some durian paste mooncakes being sold. But 1 box of 4 being upwards of $25 (RM75), it's not really a student budget dessert.

So here's an excuse to try handmaking some myself. I prepared 2 fillings; red bean and lotus paste, to go with 3 pastries; snow skin (ping pei)which is a non bake type, the common pastry type, and a flaky pastry type (if I'm not mistaken, it's Teochew). No molds of course, so just use our hands and good luck.
The darker ones are the common skin mooncakes, the lighter ones are flaky pastry, a lot like quick puff pastry (should probably have brushed with egg, but I don't have a pastry brush). The filling and dough were all surprisingly crumbly, so it wasn't easy to form the shapes, but who cares as long as it was fun to make, right? The taste was alright, a lot lighter than those sold commercially, but I think that's because I felt too guilty to use the full portion of oil and sugar stated in the recipe(together those would have been more than 2/3 of the mooncake). It might be an improvement because it was much easier to eat.

And also, I survived Monday classes! 8:30 am until 6:30pm in uni with a 4 hour lunch break in between. Not so bad since I spent my lunch looking at kids' books illustrations in the library and then going to the park to eat and lie down on the grass. Now is the perfect weather to do that.

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