Thursday, May 13, 2010

Out of curiousity, I wikipedia-ed about an alarm known as the 'mosquito', that is used to ward off teenage loiterers. A few weeks back, I read an article about it on oddee, but couldn't hear the tone thru my earphones. So I decided to look for it and find out for myself how annoying it sounds, before I get too old...seems that the sound can be heard by those under 25 years of age.

Here's a link to listen to it for your masochistic pleasure:

"MP3 sample of the 17.4 kHz tone"

Actually it's not that bad, I expected it to be painful or something. Doesn't seem like something to make such a fuss about, what with people wanting it to be banned(although I agree that treating everyone below 25 as a criminal is pretty unfair) . But some studies suggest that it's bad for your health, especially young children accidentally being exposed to it for long periods of time, and that it can give you nausea or headaches.

As for me...I'd just have thought that there was something wrong with the electric supply if I heard that noise and gone somewhere else to do my graffiti or whatever *shrug*No, actually I would have thought it was just the sound of crickets...

On the other hand, some kids are using the tone as their handphone's ringtone so they can use it in school undetected. Well...there's always a good and bad side to everything, although I'm not sure which is good and which is bad.

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