Thursday, April 16, 2009


Behold my latest artistic fascination-Japanese art.

This time i'll be sharing some pictures of Washi; Japanese handmade paper. The way it's made is by straining mashed tree bark pulp the same way you prolly did in P.Seni back in primary school.Err...but most probably with a more professional technique than the 10 year old you... And the design is printed on in the traditional way,1 run for each colour.It's interesting to note that washi making is done in winter, when cold water can help produce crisper paper and avoid decomposition of the paper pulp by bacteria during processing.

Anyways, enjoy.

The paper is also used for a variety of crafting purposes. Traditionally it's used for door screens, umbrellas, doll making, ukiyo-e, calligraphy, ikebana, origami etc. Nowadays it's yet another media in the hands of a designer.


Packaging for tea
Washi dolls(btw they are by Dan Fletcher.Check out his website for more dolls)
Decorative eggs

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