Friday, March 21, 2008

Name:Tang Yeen Yee/ Joey/ Cricetus89
Age: 18
Birthdate: 11th Oct1989 .lol.birthdays are means to be bolded
Birthplace:Assunta Hospital
Location: KL

Hair colour: dark brown, almost black. needs redyeing
Eye colour:dark brown,almost black
Braces? non, although i was recommended to have some fixed D8
Glasses/contacts? Glasses.tried contacts once but i tore but anyways specs are fashion statements nowadays.
Freckles? non.
Scars? BCG. and blemishes if they count
Style: if i', sleepy i just put on anything that will make me comfortable in class.

Food: anything with curry in it
Coke/Pepsi: pepsi. coke has less sugar in it i think.
Love/Money: both?
Boy/Girl: boy.Position for favourite boy is currently sounded wrong...
Dogs/Cats: dogs. Especially St Bernards cos they look so stupid and therefore in need of hugs.
Night/Day: Early morning at sunrise.Used to be after midnight,until after midnight became synonymous with assignments.
Sun/Rain: rain. It goes well with jazz and either sleep or assignments.Dramatic clouds,rain and lightning looks good too.

Cried in school:Too often
Laughed so hard you peed: no.I think i prefer liquid coming out of my tear ducts rather than my ass when i laugh. It's a lot more convenient and proves that you are not incontinent.
Seen your best friend naked: no.
Taken a shower with someone:prolly when i was young but i don't remember.
Been drunk: no
Smoked: nope
Cried on someone’s shoulder: nope
Let someone cried on your shoulder: nope
Slept on bed with same sex:my mom ,n my sis when she comes back from Australia.She doesn't have her own bed here.harharhar...
Used the bathroom in front of a friend:

Smoke? no
Do drugs? no
Drink? on occasions only
Cry often? quite
Change in front of your friends? no
Talk about private things with friends? no.


actually I'm wondering how homosexuals answer this part...=_=TT
Favourite eye colour: grey or brown.Actually anything light enough to see all the little details in the iris.
Favourite hair colour: anything
Height: anything.Just not a dwarf can already.
Weight: anything.Just not obese can already.
Drink/Smoke: no.maybe drink a bit on occassions only lah.
Tattoos: preferably none.
Piercings: maybe 1 or 2,but not a walking fridge.
Style: anything.

Person you hugged: my stuffed animals count?
Person you kissed: same answer.
Person you talked to: my mom.about eating spaghetti with a
Time you cried:prolly last week about assignments again...
Time you laughed:last night while i was reading Terry Pratchett
Thing you bought:A packet of Polo mints at KKmart
Person you yelled at: dunno.But I only yell if i'm very angry.
Person you said 'I love you' to: nobody i think.I'm not the touchy feely kind.
Person told you they love you: prolly Yilyn acting gay just to piss me off.
Person you gave present to: hahah...I don't remember.That's probably a bad thing since there have been so many birthdays lately.
Person gave you present: Also don't remember.Whoever was the latest to give me something for my birthday probably.
Person you hit: nobody.I don't hit,I stab.Oh,wait,maybe someone during karate practise.
Person hit you:someone during karate practise.
Thing(s) you drank: green
Thing(s) you ate:peanut butter KitKat and spaghetti for lunch

tagging: Yilyn, Anisa, Simone, Dom, Joyce, and Siao Chen if you haven't done it yet.

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