Thursday, March 24, 2011

More food experiment pictures. You probably notice an Asian food theme going on here. I think it's because once I buy ingredients for one recipe, I have leftovers that I can use for another recipe, so it advances along that line. Then I think, oh, I just need 1 extra ingredient for this recipe, and that's how I accumulate spices in my cabinet.

Another batch of kimchi. This time, it's radish on the left, and napa(chinese) cabbage on the right.I think that the resulting juice could be a little more concentrated though, not sure how to do that...maybe squeeze the vegetables dry before marinading. Also, I became a little more elaborate and replaced sugar with a mixture of fruits, although I think just sugar turned out better and less watery. The last batch I made, I used what I think is pak choy (looks like an elongated version though), it was a very small batch, and I used all of it to make:
Kimchi noodles. Pretty simple, if you already have the kimchi. Just add noodles, lettuce, mushrooms, tofu , garlic and sesame seeds. The kimchi already has flavour enough, so you don't have to worry about the stock or adding salt. I tasted this at a food court here before, and surprisingly, it tastes a bit like a mild laksa, sour and spicy.

I also tried making Japanese curry (the thicker, sweeter and less spicy version of Indian curry). Turned out spicier than the stuff you can get ready packaged, but I think it's the brand of curry powder that I used, I even skipped using red pepper powder and used less black pepper, and it's still too hot. But other than that, it has that nice filling thick curry texture, although I could have mixed it a little more evenly.

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