Wednesday, December 2, 2009

OK, book review.

Life if Pi, by Canadian author Yann Martel.
I read this book a couple of months ago actually, somehow I only got to reviewing it now.
Anyways, besides the fact that the book had won a couple of awards, someone I was watching on dA said that she liked the book too, so I was curious to read it.

The story is actually quite simple. An Indian boy called Piscine Molitor Patel (it starts with a long story about his family and his weird name, but anyways)is stranded on a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orang utan, and a Bengal tiger whom he calls Richard Parker. One by one the occupants of the boat are attacked by the tiger until only the tiger and the boy survive. From there, Pi struggles to keep himself alive at sea.

Sure, if I was stuck at sea and I wrote a book about it, it would go something like this:"Sea everywhere. No food. And more sea everywhere. I hope the tiger dies. The End". But it's pretty interesting to read this book like in a Robinson Crusoe kind of way. But the best part is the open question at the end of the story. Who was Richard Parker actually?

But I won't write anymore in case I give the story away. You have to read it yourself to fully enjoy the story.

Incidentally, another book recommended by a dA artist is also good. 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini, same guy who wrote The Kite Runner. I think the beauty of his writing partly is because no character is portrayed as totally evil or totally good, all of them have their reasons, and all of them feel human.

I haven't read The Kite Runner btw, so anyone who has the book, you know what should be done*hinthint*

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