Saturday, December 27, 2008

Remember this guy?Or it could be a girl.I dunno, there's too much fur for me to be certain.It's my holiday painting. And that's all the leisure art I'm able to accomplish. And furthermore it's supposed to be part of a bigger picture, but I don't have time to complete it.The hamster looks so guilty and funny i just had to paint it.

Next month I'll be home alone for the whole month. Both my parents will be in Australia to visit my sisters and their families.I think I will be very lonely...what to do...switch on the radio 24/7 lah...If any of you guys want to visit also can.But little boys are not provided for your paedophillic pleasure, sorry.

On the other hand, some of my Australian relatives are coming to stay with me for a week because a cousin in getting married and wants to have a dinner with our side of the family.I hope with their visit and the 1 week CNY holidays at least I won't be so lonely.Or the next time you see me I might be talking to my laptop and Tchaikovsky, my pet money plant(btw Tchaikovsky survived 1 week without water while we were in Vietnam, I'm so proud of him)

Oh yeah, and to Tse Yein, if you have access to the internet wherever you are being locked up, I asked Santa for a friend like you too, but I didn't want to reply that sms cos #1 I was too lazy and #2 Digi doesn't need that sort of chain mail to get more money for a Merry Christmas.Akakakakaka...Not from me anyways.

To everyone else, Merry Christmas.

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