Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sohs here are a few pictures from my trip,not many because my camera kaputted halfway(on day 2/7 ohkaaay....)Video still works tho.
the usual view from the plane.
Kuching International Airport.Looks like a mini KLIA.
Some deco on the wall of a restaurant opposite my hotel.It's about Sang Kancil.
Carpenter street.Looks like those old family run business kind of shophouses along Petaling street.Almost all shops including coffee shops close by 6.30pm though.*yeah,I know,spot metering is like so totally not working here*
2nd day,in Bako National Park.We only took the 0.8km jungle trail,which is 1 hour to and fro,but when it's up and downhill,that's tiring enough.The longest trail is 7 hours each way,but also prolly would have the most interesting animals.Instead what we saw was the usual macaques and some wild boars near the park's HQ.
The beach at Bako during low tide.The cliffs look like old parchment.

OK,after this my camera is spoilt.Tadaa.
Wait...there is one shot that works,this is inside Wind Cave,taken with flash.Another cave had bats in them but i didn't manage to take pics.Looks pretty freaky without lights,no park guide,high humidity and screeching bats all around you.All you get is a feeble torchlight which lights up about a few cm space...When it's dark in a cave you can't even see your hand right in front of you.


OK,fine,I will add a few more lines about the highlights of our trip.

We also went to Semenggoh National park which is known for it's orang utan rehabilitation programme. They let the orang utans roam free in the forest and visitors can see them being fed during non fruiting seasons.There was one baby born just 2 weeks ago clinging to the mom too.When we were watching the orang utans being fed,one of them almost shat on me.I think it was aiming for the woman next to me.Yilyn was so having fun when I told her on msn.I know she wants to be shat upon by a wild animal one day.  They also have different gardens for wild plants around the park.

Near Semenggoh is the Padawan pitcher plant and orchid farm.Lol...first thing i though about when I heard that name was Star's quite a small farm,and has more pitcher plants than orchids,especially if you concider orchids has so many varieties.Lots of mosquitoes though,ironically.And no visitors eventhough it's supposed to be a tourist destination.

Another good place to go is the Santok market which is on Saturday afternoons to Sunday afternoons.Not sure if they stay there overnight.It's basically a big pasar malam but they also sell plants and pet animals.

Besides that we only went to the usual museums.Ethnic museum was ok,Art museum was super lame,Cat museum was lol,Textile museum was not bad.

That's if you want to have a unique experience in Sarawak you should go for the national parks .I'm not sure about the cultural village,the entry was expensive at RM60,but everyone keeps talking about it.Claims to have daily tribal dancing and can see tribes' daily lives.Prolly something to look out for if you are there during the Rainforest music festival.We just missed it.It was last month

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