Saturday, March 1, 2008

Living in a condominium is a strange thing.You can know what your neighbours are doing by listening.For instance just now a woman was trying out clothes in front of a mirror,because i could hear  the clacking of high heel shoes on parquet.Yesterday a small kid was singing a duet(quite badly) with either her elder brother or father.Also,one of my neighbours has a habit of hitting the shower head against the toilet wall.And a few seconds ago someone got an sms.The tone was the "Excuse me sir,you've got a text message" tone.The sms tone is that loud.

Another strange thing,especially since i live near a park,is that strange things often fly into the unit at night if you've got some lights on.Frequent late night/early morning assignment-doing has brought some strange flying insects and a bee into my room.I was about to sleep/pengsan when suddenly i heard some strange sound in my room.Somemore the lights were off.So i dunno what it was,and i tried to hide under my blanket.I thought it was another bat.Then I couldn't tahan anymore and switched on the lights and saw a bee fly behind the curtain n hide there...

Before that there was a bat in the living room once.And all of these creatures often become confused and start ricocheting their bodies off the fan.The bat hit the fan once,flew around the dining table,fell onto the floor and struggled about a bit,hit the fan again, slapped into a wall(the sound effect really was *slap*) and fell behind the couch.Too bad i couldn't take pictures in time before my dad used a cloth and picked it up and threw it outside again.

OK,enough of random storytelling,time to get back to typo again.My life strangely seems to be revolving around typo nowadays.

Also,i have a black sense of foreboding about next week's assignments

And a moneyplant named Tchaikovsky,but that's another story.

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