Friday, February 22, 2008


sounds impossible,but i think i need a little break from drawing.Everything feels like work nowadays.What i need now is a tropical island and just chillax there.

Haven't been sleeping regularly over the past few weeks,Monday oklah,got 8 hours,but from Tuesday to Wednesday it's maybe 7 hours,and then suddenly on Thursday it's 2 hours.And then on Friday have to cover back by sleeping like 12 hours or i think i'm in a permanent state of grogginess.Always feel like my head is cloudy and cannot react fast and my eyes are out of focus...I usually need between 8 to 9 hours of sleep.But instead I wake up early and sleep late and go to college earlier to do work and come back later to do work.

And then i end up feeling very apathic over my work.I know have to do,but so little time to do,so i cannot make it as nice as i want but in the end i don't really care also.And then when pass up the assignment I feel guilty for not putting in my best effort but at the same time almost fall asleep in class.

And then want to go to dA to look at other people's drawings to get inspiration,in the end still can get bored somehow.

Also,I'm starting to hate the 2D lab and the sinking chairs and the flipbook program thing and the lightbox that is not strong enough and my lineart for animation that is always not smooth.Oh,and all the airconds in college which have a singleminded determination to bring on another ice age in college.And the dirty carpets that make my feet get rashes.'ll be so nice if suddenly one whole week don't have to hand in assignments...

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